Activist Blogs

6/30: Viva Palestina

Where: Crowne Plaza Minneapolis North (Brooklyn Center), 2200 Freeway Boulevard, Minneapolis, MN 55430

Al-Aqsa Institute and American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), are honored to present Viva Palestina

Featuring GEORGE GALLOWAY, Member of Parliament Great Britain & Osama Abu Irshaid, Chief Editor of Almeezan Newspaper.

Tickets: $10

Note: it is a fundraising event to break the siege on GAZA

For more info email<> or call 612-986-9982 or 612-636-6136

Endorsed by:

1. Al Madinah Cultural Center

2. Muslim Student Association at the UoM (MSA)

3. Women Against Military Madness (WAMM)

4. Committees for Palestinian Rights (CPR)

5. Palestinian Institute

6. The International Jewish anti-Zionist Network, Twin Cities (IJAN TC)

7. MAS-MN Freedom Foundation


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