Monday, May 20, 2024
Hands Off Anti-War ActivistsTake Action!

How Can I Support the Anti-War & International Solidarity Activists Under Attack by the FBI?

Here are 12 things you can do!


There are a lot of ways you can support the anti-war & international solidarity activists that are under attack by the FBI. Want to help but not sure what you can do? Look no further!


  1. Get on our local email announcement list so you know what’s happening with the case and find out about upcoming events, activities and protests. Sign up here:
  2. Sign the national petition. Click here to sign on and auto- matically send your protest letter to the appropriate officials:
  3. Contact or email President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder with the 3 demands. President Obama – 202-456- 1111 or and US Attorney General Eric Holder – 202-353-1555 or
  4. Contact your legislators and ask them to speak out publicly against FBI and grand jury harassment of anti-war activists. Use this legislator finder: to see who your state and national legislators are.
  5. Talk to your friends, co-workers and family about the case. There are factsheets and back- ground info on the case at
  6. Get your organization to pass a resolution in support of the activists. Some sample resolutions are at
  7. Invite a speaker to come talk about the case to your student group, church group, union, school, or whatever group of people you want. Call us at 612-379-3585 to arrange for a speaker.
  8. Write a letter to the editor or article in a local (or national!) newspaper.
  9. Make a donation. You can make a donation at or mail a check to “Committee to Stop FBI Repression” to PO Box 14183, Minneapolis, MN 55414. If you want to do- nate something other than money (computers, office supplies, copies, etc), call us at 612-379-3585.
  10. Volunteer. If you have time and want to help out, there’s always a need for help with things like out- reach, flyer distribution, and office-type tasks. Give us a call – 612-379-3585.
  11. Come to our next action. Find out about upcoming local actions by signing up on our announce- ment email list (see above) or call us at 612-379-3585 to find out what’s coming up.
  12. Come to the next meeting of the local Committee to Stop FBI Repression. Call 612-379-3585 for the next meeting time and location.