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Anti-war leaders respond to Obama’s Afghanistan speech

Published on June 22, 2011 by Fight Back! News

Minneapolis, MN – Responding to President Obama’s June 22 national televised speech on Afghanistan, Meredith Aby of the Twin Cites based Anti War Committee stated, “The U.S. needs to get out of Afghanistan now.” Aby was one of the main organizers of the massive anti-war march on the opening day of the 2008 Republican National Convention and she is one of the 23 peace and international solidarity activists who have been subpoenaed to appear in front of the Chicago grand jury investigating ‘material support for terrorism.’ The grand jury, headed by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, is attempting to criminalize anti-war activism.

Commenting on the president’s speech, Aby stated, “The president has been forced to announce a small withdrawal because the American people are overwhelmingly opposed to the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan. However, just like Obama did with Iraq last year, he is trying to muddle the debate by announcing a ‘withdrawal’ when in fact he is continuing the occupation. The American public does not want to fund death and destruction and instead is concerned about the cost to important social programs at home. We need to continue to protest for all the troops to be brought home.”

Tracy Molm, a member of Students for Democratic Society, said this about the president’s speech, “What the U.S. is doing in Afghanistan is wrong and the people of Afghanistan are suffering because of it. The U.S. and its allies are backing a corrupt puppet government that the Afghan people do not support. On top of that, the U.S. government is responsible for a massive number of civilians being killed and injured.”

Steff Yorek, the Political Secretary of Freedom Road Socialist Organization states, “No one, including the people of Afghanistan, wants to live under occupation of a foreign power, so they have created a massive resistance to that occupation. The announcement that 10,000 out of the 100,000-plus troops in Afghanistan will leave does not cut it. All the troops need to come home now.”