Friday, May 17, 2024

Venezuela, US Sanctions, and Indigenous People

Saturday June 25th, 10 AM to 11:45 AM @ La Conexión de las Américas, 3019 Minnehaha Ave, Suite 20, Minneapolis

Richard La Fortune will be discussing his trip to Caracas, Venezuela, that was taken following the announcement of sanctions against PDVSA Venezuela (Venezuela’s state owned petroluem corporation) by the US State Department the previous week. He will be talking about how approximately 10 people from the US, including peace and social justice activist Cindy Sheehan, learned first-hand more about the potential impacts of sanctions against an impoverished nation that is broadly redistributing its wealth for the first time in memory. Additionally he will highlight how the proposed US sanctions have been loudly criticized by both the left and the right; by both The Wall Street Journal, as well as by economic justice activists.