Sunday, May 19, 2024
Activist Blogs

9/2: Demonstrators Will Challenge the U.S. – Israeli Propoganda Machine on Palestine

On Wednesday, Sept 2, at 6:30 p.m., several groups have called for a protest outside in front of Temple Israel, 2324 Emerson Ave. South, Minneapolis, when Ann Lewis, a former senior advisor to Bill and Hillary Clinton, speaks to American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Minnesota, on “improving the U.S. relationship with Israel.” AIPAC is a powerful lobbying group that, together with Christian Zionist allies, has great influence over American politicians. It enables U.S. policy and tax dollars to be used for the oppression of and violence to Palestinians. It advocates policies that are complicit with Israeli Apartheid; these policies have led to the imprisoning of thousands, the massacre and siege on Gaza, the grabbing of land throughout Palestine, demolishing and taking over of Palestinian homes, the creation of conditions that force Palestinian children to suffer malnutrition, and in general, the ever-increasing walling in, isolation and systemic destruction of a people.

Ann Lewis has stated that “the role of the U.S. president is to support decisions made by Israel.” She is schedule to address supporters of the U.S.-Israeli relationship regarding “how to get their message across more effectively.” Demonstrators intend to get their message across, as well. They want AIPAC, politicians, and the public know that what is being done to Palestinians is horrific and completely unacceptable! They will protest unjust Israeli policies, demand human rights for Palestinians including the Right of Return, and call for an end to U.S. military aid to Israel. The demonstration is initiated by the Coalition for Palestinian Rights and endorsed by: International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Women Against Military Madness, the Anti-War Committee.