Monday, May 13, 2024
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Support the Anti-War Committee

Dear Supporters,
2018 marks the Anti-War Committee’s twentieth year of activism. We were founded in 1998 as a part of the movement to challenge Clinton’s use of sanctions, bombings and no fly zones in Iraq.  We participated in civil disobedience at Representative Martin Olav Sabo’s office in December 1998 and have kept on organizing for peace ever since!   We are excited to celebrate 20 years of struggle on Saturday, December 8th from 3-6pm at Hook and Ladder, 3010 Minnehaha Ave, in Minneapolis.  We will have drinks, appetizers, music, spoken word and some remembrances of our organizing.  We hope that you will join us and help us kick off another decade of activism!
This year we have focused our energy on resisting Trump’s Muslim ban and his war threats against North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela.  We have also continued our demand for an end to U.S. aid to Israel.
No Ban, No Bombs, No War 
We have been protesting Donald Trump’s pro-war anti-Muslim rhetoric since the 2016 presidential campaign.  We continued our campaign against Trump’s racist Muslim ban with visibility bannerings, protests and marches.  Together with people of conscience around the U.S., we were able to prevent the administration from implementing their discriminatory ban for over a year.  Unfortunately, the U.S. Supreme Court this summer sided with the Trump administration’s Muslim ban.  We will continue to draw connections between U.S. foreign policy and the refugee crisis that is created by U.S. wars, and to work with the Council on American Islamic Relations to denounce hate crimes against Muslims locally.
Trump has used his office to threaten war on leaders and countries across the globe.  We responded to particular threats against North Korea and Iran with protests, social media campaigns, petitions, and call-in days.  We are currently defending Venezuela from U.S. intervention (both overt and covert) through an education campaign which included Steve Elliner’s tour this November.   It has been challenging to be able to pivot quickly in response to Trump’s attacks, but we are politically committed to resisting U.S. imperialism and work in coalition with groups like the MN Peace Action Coalition in order to maximize our ability to organize protests to say NO to the U.S. war in Syria and the on-going wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Free Palestine 
This spring, Palestinians in Gaza organized to have a #GreatReturnMarch to challenge Israeli apartheid and to draw attention to the need for the right to return for the Palestinian diaspora.  The protests were met with incredible violence from the Israeli military including using snipers to shoot protesters in the head and the deliberate targeting of journalists. We organized multiple protests and a highway burma shave style bannering over 35W to demand an end U.S. aid to Israel. Additionally, this year the international community had its eyes on Israel because of the unjust imprisonment of Ahed Tamimi.  We used her case to raise awareness regarding Israel’s horrible human rights record which includes the imprisonment and detainment of children.  We held protests and organized a postcard campaign to MN representatives and senators.
We Need Your Continued Support 
The Anti-War Committee is a grassroots, all volunteer organization.  We hope you can support our work by contributing financially to this important activism. Your tax-deductible donation will be spent locally funding peace organizing.  Please donate at  Thank you for your support.
The Anti-War Committee