Protest Trump & the Republican Party’s Bigotry
Sunday, November 10th @ noon @ the MN GOP Headquarters, 7400 Metro Blvd, Edina, MN
Trump lies lead to a rise in hate crimes in every county where he held a campaign rally in 2016. Statics show that hate crimes doubled compared to other counties, and it’s because his blatantly hateful rhetoric is designed to incite violence and further racist and xenophobic views.
On October 10th Trump came to MN and had a hate rally. The MN Republican Party not only hosted him but have been silent as he attacked the immigrant and refugee communities that are a part of MN. We will take our protest to the MN GOP headquarters one month later to hold them accountable!
Join us to protest the violence the president inflicts on our communities from the White House but also how he incites his supporters to commit violence!
No Ban! No Wall! Legalization for All!
Immigrants and Muslims are Welcome in MN – Not Trump!
Say NO to Anti-Muslim Bigotry!
Initiated by the Anti-War Committee.