

End Aid to Israel! Solidarity with Gaza!

Speech given by Karen Sullivan, Anti-War Committee member, at a Gaza solidarity demonstration on June 12, 2010

The past few weeks Israel has been trying to play the victim of the “poor misunderstood victim”. They claim this recent massacre is really just an “accident”. They claim that they are just trying to protect their borders, that they are really just trying to protect themselves from “terrorists” trying to supply weapons to Hamas. But we know they are not the victims, they are the murderers, the occupiers and the prison guards of Gaza!

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Speech | In Solidarity with Palestine after the Floatilla Attack

Given on June 1, 2010 by Anti-War Committee member Meredith Aby at a demonstrion at Senator Klobuchar’s office

We are here today to protest the outrageous acts of the Israeli military on Monday, May 31st to the Freedom Floatilla which was trying to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza.  Israeli commandos boarded the ships in international water and killed at least 10 people for the “crime” of trying to bring humanitarian aid to Palestinians. 

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Speech | In Solidarity with Palestine after the Floatilla Attack

Given on June 1, 2010 by Anti-War Committee member Meredith Aby at a demonstrion at Senator Klobuchar’s office

We are here today to protest the outrageous acts of the Israeli military on Monday, May 31st to the Freedom Floatilla which was trying to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza.  Israeli commandos boarded the ships in international water and killed at least 10 people for the “crime” of trying to bring humanitarian aid to Palestinians. 

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Summer Interns Needed

Interested in learning activist skills?  Want to organize against war & occupation?   You can volunteer one day a week or more this summer with the Anti-War Committee.  The Anti-War Committee is a grassroots progressive organization in the Twin Cities who has a history of fighting against US imperialism towards Iraq, Palestine, Colombia, and Afghanistan.  We use demonstrations, civil disobedience and public education to challenge US foreign policy.  

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