Friday, July 1st from 5:30-7:30 pm @ the home of Meredith, an Anti-War Committee member – 3137 44th Ave S, Minneapolis 55406
Join us for drinks and appetizers at Meredith’s home in Longfellow to raise money for the bus that MIRAC and others are organizing to Cleveland, Ohio to protest Trump and the Republican National Convention.We’ll have a short presentation from U of MN professor Kathleen Ganley who recently returned from a delegation to the U.S.-Mexico border. She’ll talk to us about the brutal reality of the already-militarized border, and why we must strongly oppose Donald Trump’s racist and xenophobic ‘border wall’ promises and anti-immigrant rhetoric (as well as opposing the militarized border under the current administration).
Organized by MN Immigrant Rights Action Committee and endorsed by the Anti-War Committee.