On September 24, 2010, the FBI carried out coordinated raids on the homes and offices of anti-war activists, searching for evidence of “material support to foreign terrorist organizations. The raids were part of a massive government operation that sought to criminalize our work against US policies of war.
Five years later the investigation is “ongoing.” The steadfastness of the targeted activists, who all refused to cooperate with the government witch hunt, along with the overwhelming support from our communities, has so far made it impossible for the government to bring any terrorism charges against us. Shamefully, they have moved to prosecute two veteran activists in our movements. We beat back the case against Chicano leader, Carlos Montes. And now, we are fighting for the freedom of Rasmea Odeh, an icon of the Palestininan liberation movement in Chicago.
We’ve come a long way in the last five years. Join us in Minneapolis to celebrate our victories – defeating the grand jury that could’ve jailed all 23 who refused to testify; defending the freedom of Carlos Montes; and continuing to build a movement that stands with the people of the world against US wars and aggression.
We’ll have food and drinks, and call on everyone to redouble their efforts to win freedom for Rasmea Odeh!