Protest in Chicago against FBI / Grand Jury repression of anti war activists. (Fight Back! News/Staff)
By Mick Kelly | January 22, 2011
Chicago, IL – “Announcements of additional cities joining the Jan. 25 protests are pouring in. We are going to send a clear message that we have a right to speak out and organize. International solidarity is not a crime,” says Tom Burke of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression. To date, actions are planned in 43 cities. A complete list of cites participating is available at
Cities that have signed on in the past week include Albany, New York;, Colorado Springs, Colorado; Fresno, California; Hilton Head, South Carolina; Houston, Texas; Long Beach, California; Memphis, Tennessee; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Sacramento, California and Saint Louis, Missouri. Protests will take place at U.S embassies and consulates in Canada, Ukraine, and Ireland. A solidarity event will take place in Australia.