Gaza Flotilla Action Alert Update
Update – 8:00 pm (NYC)
The 8 people listed below were detained. They were released a few minutes ago. They were not arrested.
July 3, 2011 – 6 pm (NYC)
Just got word from Athens: the 8 people who were fasting in front of the U.S. Embassy have been arrested. They are Ken Mayers, Carol Murry, Medea Benjamin, Paki Wieland, Ray McGovern, Brad Taylor, Kit Kitteridge and Kathy Kelly. We will not have any more news until the morning.
In the meantime, let’s keep the pressure on Washington. They need to pressure the Greek government to release our captain, our boat and now these 8 people as well! Let them sail to Gaza!!!
Throughout this country people have responded to our call to contact the U.S. State Department to demand that they take the steps necessary to ensure that the Greek authorities immediately release the captain and let our boat sail to Gaza. In fact, there has been such a strong response that we are hearing their voice mailboxes are full! That’s great, but of course frustrating for those of you trying to make those calls.
Here are some other numbers and email addresses to try:
- State Department general number: 202-647-4000 – ask for the Overseas U.S. Citizen Services Duty Officer and you’ll get a live State Dept. official who has to hear you out.
- The voicemail for Kim Richter – also at the State Dept. – says she’s out of the office for several days, and that callers with urgent issues should contact a colleague at 202-647-4578.
- You can email the U.S. Embassy in Athens at: or you can send an email to them at:
- If you can place an international phone call, the number for the U.S. Embassy in Athens is 011-30-210-721-2951.
Please also try to call, fax or email your members of Congress as well.
Help us keep the pressure up!!