January 25 National Day of Action to STOP FBI Repression
We in the Anti-War Committee were completely touched that 500+ people came to protest days after our office was raided and after our members were served subpoenas and had their homes violated by the FBI. It was inspiring that people across the country in over 60 cities in the following week came out to protest in the streets to defend us and our movement. On 1/25th 9 Palestine solidarity activists from Chicago will be called to testify about our movement and we want to send them the same type of solidarity we received in September. We want them to feel like they are not alone but rather a part of a national movement which is saying NO to the McCarthyesque witch hunt of the peace movement. On 1/25 there are protests organized in over 30 cities across the country. Please come out – even if it’s very cold – to say DISSENT IS NOT A CRIME and CALL OFF THE GRAND JURY WITCH HUNT!
Meredith Aby
for the Anti-War Committee
Stop FBI and Grand Jury Repression of Anti-War & International Solidarity Activists
- Defend free speech
- Defend the right to organize
- Opposing war and occupation is not a crime
- Tell Patrick Fitzgerald to call off the Grand Jury
- Stop FBI raids and repression
Join the National Day of Action Tuesday, January 25, 2011
In December 2010, under the direction of U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, the FBI delivered 9 new subpoenas in Chicago to anti-war and Palestine solidarity activists – bringing the total number of subpoenaed activists to 23. Patrick Fitzgerald’s office is ordering the 9 to appear at a Grand Jury in Chicago on January 25.
In response, we are calling for protests across the country and around the world to show our solidarity. Hundreds of organizations and thousands of people will be protesting at Federal Buildings, FBI offices, and other appropriate places, showing solidarity with the 9 newly subpoenaed activists and with all the activists whose homes were raided by the FBI.
Fitzgerald’s expanding web of repression already includes the 14 subpoenaed when the FBI stormed into homes on September 24th, carting away phones, computers, notebooks, diaries and children’s artwork. In October, all fourteen activists from Chicago, Minneapolis, and Michigan decided to not participate in the secret proceedings of Fitzgerald’s Grand Jury. Each signed a letter invoking their Fifth Amendment rights. However, three women from Minneapolis – Tracy Molm, Anh Pham and Sarah Martin – are facing re-activated subpoenas. They are standing strong and we are asking you to stand with them – and with the newly subpoenaed nine activists – by protesting Patrick Fitzgerald and his use of the Grand Jury and FBI to repress anti-war and international solidarity activists.