Labor Stands with Subpoenaed Activists
Article originally posted at Chicago Indymedia on January 27, 2011

On January 25, 2011 outside Chicago’s Federal Building in the Loop several hundred supporters gathered to protest the FBI subpoenas of anti-war activist, and Grand Jury manoeuvres to intimidate legitimate protest. Joining them were representatives of two large and important unions in Chicago and Illinois: SEIU Local 73 (Christine Boardman, President), and the Chicago Teachers Union (Jesse Sharkey, Vice President), the largest union in Illinois. VP Sharkey told the big, enthusiastic crowd that he had just heard that CTU delegates body had voted to condemn this FBI ‘fishing expedition’ against union members. The demonstration was part of a large nation-wide day of protest against grand jury subpoening of anti-war and Palestinian rights activists in the Midwest. For more info: Length: 7:41 min.
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