NYDailyNews.com | Kings attack on U.S. Muslims: Head of CAIR says terrorism hearings will stoke fears

Long Island Rep. Peter Kings announcement that he will hold hearings on the alleged “radicalization” of American Muslims has sent a shudder through our community.
But understand: This response is not because of opposition to the concept of holding hearings on growing political and religious extremism of all stripes.
We would support such hearings, provided they were balanced and fair. We would support such hearings, if they were broadened to also examine what led someone to plant an IED on the parade route of this years Martin Luther King Day parade in Spokane, Wash., and what caused U.S. hate groups to top 1,000 for the first time, according to Southern Poverty Law Center – then they would gain our support.
Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), ranking member on the committee King chairs, asked him to expand the hearings to include “a broad-based examination of domestic extremist groups regardless of their ideological underpinnings.” King refused.
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