Protest for Human Rights
March and Protest for International Human Rights Day
For Immediate Release: December 11, 2008
Minneapolis, MN—The Minnesota Anti-War Committee is holding it’s annual Human Rights Day March and Protest on Saturday, December 13th at the Walker Community United Methodist Church, 3104 16th Ave South, Minneapolis. The event is scheduled to run from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Protesters will gather at the church, march through the Powderhorn Park neighborhood and return to the church. The program will address human rights issues across the globe and within the US.
Issues addressed will include ending the Iraq war, US military aid to Israel and Colombia, and the US’ support for the Ethiopian occupation of Somalia. Speakers will also demand immigrant rights and a people’s bailout instead of bailouts for banks and the wealthy. People will also be speaking for the right to engage in political dissent and demanding that all the charges be dropped against all those arrested at the RNC.
“This event is all about promoting human rights and human dignity,” said Anti-War Committee member Bill Drebenstedt. “It’s about not sitting on the sofa and just shaking our heads. It’s about standing up and saying something when we see things that are not okay.”
“The new Obama administration needs to hear from us. This is a crucial time of economic crisis and war. We need to stand up and say money for human needs not for war!” explained Anti-War Committee member Meredith Aby.
The event has been endorsed by the Coalition for Palestinian Rights, Community RNC Arrestee Support Structure, Communities United Against Police Brutality, Freedom Road Socialist Organization, Living Wage Avengers, Maria Inamagua Campaign for Justice, Minnesota Ad-Hoc Committee to Enforce the Human Rights Treaties, Minnesota-New Orleans Solidarity Committee, Minnesota Tenants Union, National Lawyers Guild, Students for a Democratic Society – University of Minnesota, Somali Cause, Women Against Military Madness and Welfare Rights Committee.
For more information, visit