Regional organizing conference of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression
Program for the Midwest Regional Conference of the Committee to Stop FBI Repression

Midwest Regional Conference Flyer
300 S. Ashland, Chicago
Saturday, February 12th
Noon to 5 pm
– 12:00 Registration
– 12:20 – Opening welcome from Carl Rosen, United Electrical Workers
– 12:30 – 1:15 Update from attorneys and subpoenaed activists with Q & A
– 1:15 – 2Pm plenary discussion on the significance of the case
– 2pm -3:00 panel:” The struggle against repression present and past”
> Jose Lopez, Director of Puerto Rican Cultural Center, Chicago
> Abayomi Azikiwe, Editor of the Pan African News Wire, Detroit
> Carrie Feldman, grand jury resister in a green scare case, jailed for contempt of court in November 2009
>And a representative from the Arab-American community
– 3:00 – 4:00 break-out sessions
1.Palestine solidarity: discussion including backlash and repression against Palestine solidarity on college campuses; also how can we use our case to push forward the Palestinian cause.
2. Defending democratic rights/civil liberties: discussion including further Q & A about the FBI & Grand Jury repression; how it is affecting others, for example Memphis activists intimidated on January 25th.
3. Students: Building the movement on campus against FBI & grand jury repression.
4. Labor: Efforts to gather more statements from unions and labor councils.
5. Legislative efforts. Discussion of national, state, city council and other efforts.
6. Anti-war movement: plans to take our message out locally and nationally.
– 4:00 – 5:00 pm plans for future
Organizations are invited to reserve literature tables for $20.
- 7:00 pm Fundraiser at the Heartland Café, 7000 N. Glenwood, $10 donation
Solidarity statements
Luce Guillen Givins of the RNC 8
and more
Join with many of the anti-war, international solidarity and Palestinian activists who have stood up to FBI raids and grand jury repression.
Heartland Café
7000 N. Glenwood
$10 donation
7:00 pm to close
Relax, dance and enjoy the music of The Amoreys and Environmental Encroachment
Plus: a Silent Auction to benefit the Committee to Stop FBI Repression
Don’t forget the “Right to Remain Silent Auction” that is going on NOW through this Friday.
If you are willing to help with the tasks of the conference or the fundraiser, please send an email.
On September 24, 2010, the FBI raided homes in Minneapolis and Chicago, and the office of the Twin Cities Anti War Committee. To date, a total of 23 activists have received summons to appear before a Grand Jury run by U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. Many of those targeted are activists who stand in solidarity the Palestinian and Colombian people. Their ranks include anti-war, trade union and community leaders. Patrick Fitzgerald wants to turn the clock back to the 1950s and play the role of Joe McCarthy – his aim is to put activists in prison for their political beliefs. This is an attack on everyone who is working for peace, justice and equality. We cannot allow the government to get away with this.
Committee to Stop FBI Repression
For more information go to or call 612-379-3585