Stand Up for Public Education: Testimonials from the Struggle to Save Our Schools
Saturday, April 9th, 2pm-4pm @ Minneapolis Labor Center, 312 Central Ave NE, Minneapolis
The keynote speaker is Karen Lewis, President of the Chicago Teachers Union and a member of CORE- Caucus of Rank & File Educators. In her election acceptance speech in June, Ms Lewis declared, “Today marks the beginning of the end of scapegoating educators for all the social ills that our children, families and schools struggle against every day. Today marks the beginning of a fight for true transparency in our educational policy — how to accurately measure learning and teaching, how to truly improve our schools, and how to evaluate the wisdom behind our spending priorities.” Additional speakers will address local school concerns such as the struggles to keep North High School alive, the closing of Cityview, school changes in St Paul and reports from Wisconsin teachers, whose collective bargaining rights are under attack by their governor.