UNAC Spring Actions Against the Wars
Spring Actions Against the Wars at Home and Abroad Announced by a Broad Coalition of Peace and Justice Organizations.
On Saturday, February 3rd, 66 people representing 42 organizations met by conference call and called for regional mobilizations against the wars at home and abroad on the weekend of April 14 – 15. It was clear that it is time for the antiwar movement to mobilize and make ourselves visible during this midterm election period as the bi-partisan wars continue to escalate. We have witnessed a massive increase in the military budget and tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy while programs that benefit the people are cut. The U.S. has announced a permanent military force in Syria and the 16-year war in Afghanistan has been escalated. Threats to N. Korea, Russia and China raise the spectre of nuclear war. The U.S. has provocatively declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel and has decided to move its embassy there, a move the entire world has opposed. The U.S. military presence in Africa is increasing and in Yemen, the U.S. and Saudia Arabia continue the devastation of that country as famine and disease are on the rise. Venezuela, Syria, Iran and other countries continue to be the U.S. targets for regime change, At home the militarization of the police continues. Unions are under attack. Immigrants are subject to the daily terror of ICE deportations and white supremacists and neo-Nazis are called honorable men by Trump and the racist officials in his administration. Join us on April 14 – 15. A new web site has been set up to help build the actions. Please go here, endorse the actions and become part of the solution: http://SpringAction2018.org.
Close Guantanamo! Return the Land to Cuba! Stop the Torture! UNAC supports the call for actions around Feb 23, the 115th anniversary of the seizure of the Guantanamo Navy base on Cuban land. This is generally considered the first U.S. foreign military base. The call for actions was made at the Baltimore conference against U.S. foreign military bases. We urge all groups to take action on or around Feb 23 calling for the closing of the base, returning of the land to Cuba and freeing of the political prisoners held there. UNAC urges all groups to take action around Feb 23 and let the Bases Coalition know by sending an email with details of your action to info@NoForeignBases.org. You can see a list of the actions here: http://noforeignbases.or
For the best analysis from a progressive perspective, read the UNAC Blog Please make a contribution to UNAC: https://www.unacpeace.o If your organization would like to join the UNAC coalition, please click here: https://www.unacpeace.org/join To unsubscribe from this list, please send an email to UNAC-unsubscribe@lists.rise |