EventsHands Off Anti-War ActivistsTake Action!

Call in Day on Saturday: Now is THE time to call the MN Congressional Delegation!

Obama is coming for election-stumping on Saturday, Oct. 23. We expect all the DFL delegation to be there, trying to get as close to the president as they can! So call all of these folks on Friday and urge them to tell President Obama to stop the grand jury.

Here is what you can say when you call these numbers:

1. “I want you to tell President Obama to cancel the Grand Jury against the anti-war activists. The repression against our activists has to stop now.”2. “The targets of this witch hunt want to meet with you. I hope you will be open to their request when they call you.”

U.S. Senator Amy Klobuchar: 612-727-5220 or (202) 224-3244 U.S. Senator Al Franken: 651-221-1016 or (202) 224-5641 U.S. Representative Betty McCollum: 651-224-9191 or (202) 225-6631U.S. Representative Keith Ellison: 612-522-1212 or (202) 225-4755 U.S. Representative Jim Oberstar: 218-254-5761 or (202) 225-6211U.S. Representative Tim Walz: 507-206-0643 or (202) 225-2472 U.S. Representative Collin Peterson: 320-235-1061 or (202) 225-2165

As you can see I included a number for one of their MN offices as well as their D.C. phone. Call either one (or both). AND please come to help us get postcards signed at the Obama rally on Saturday. We also have 10,000 fliers to hand out! The Venue has just changed to the U of M field house . See for details?

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