Monday, May 6, 2024

CELEBRATE MAY DAY: Standing Up In the Face of Repression!

Friday, April 29 @ 7:00pm @ Walker Community Church @ 3104 16th Ave S, Mpls

Join us for a forum celebrating and supporting workers standing up and fighting back against state repression and hear first hand stories of those standing up for justice!

Speakers include: Jess Sundin, Dave Riehle, Mel Reeves, Jennie Eisert from the Anti-War Committee and leaders from groups fighting for justice in the Twin Cities. Children’s program will include the youngsters making signs and banners for the upcoming May Day events on the coming Sunday.

Snacks and Childcare Provided.  Donations requested.

This year is the 125th Anniversary of International Workers Day, or May Day, which began with the struggle of the Chicago working class in May of 1886. Workers there fought and died for the 8-hour work-day. This battle gave rise to the tradition of demonstrations, strikes and celebrations by working people around the globe on May 1st.  From the Haymarket martyrs who gave their lives fighting for the eight hour workday and decent …working conditions, to Martin Luther King Jr. who was assassinated while protesting with sanitation workers in Tennessee, to Malcolm X, the Black Panthers, and other revolutionary movements that faced harsh repression in the 1960s, and now to 23 subpoenaed anti-war and international solidarity activists; state repression has been used against people fighting for justice.

HOSTED BY:  Freedom Road Socialist Organization,