Friday, May 10, 2024

Action Alert: Call Congress to say NO aid to Israel! Stop the Supporting the Attack on Gaza!

On Friday, July 11, 2014 the U.S. House of Representatives voted for a resolution in support of Israel and it’s “right to self defense”. House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce (R-CA) explained, “Today, the House reaffirmed its support for Israel to take all necessary and appropriate action to defend its citizens. With these threats arrayed against Israel, we will continue [to] stand with the Israeli people.”

This is NOT an issue of Israel defending itself. Prime Minister Netanyahu has used the deaths of 3 Israeli teenagers as a pretext for starting a war. Over 166 Palestinians (including 36 children and 24 women) have died in Gaza this week. Not a single Israeli has been killed by rocket fire!Israel is bombing Gaza, one of the most densely populated places on the planet, and justifying everything as a “military target” when in fact they have targeted mosques, schools, hospitals, banks, electricity lines and homes. 

Israel receives over 3 billion dollars in US aid every year. Our tax dollars are paying for this massacre! In Minnesota we have NO members of Congress speaking out against Israel’s Operation Protective Edge in Gaza. 

The Anti-War Committee calls on its supporters to call their members of Congress to say NO to US aid to Israel and to tell them to stop offering diplomatic cover for Israel’s war! 

*Representative Ellison (seeking reelection): 612-522-1212 

*Representative McCullom (seeking reelection): 651-224-9191 

*Senator Franken (seeking reelection): 651- 221-1016 

*Senator Klobuchar: 612-727-5220