Saturday, May 4, 2024
Take Action!

Action Alert!

Please take action against these bills at the state legislature!

Defend the Right to Boycott:  Urge Your Senator to Vote NO to House File 400. (The Senate file has the same number as House)

Phone: 651-296-0504

Urge Governor Dayton Phone: 296-0504 to VETO House File 400.

To find your MN State Senator:

A coalition of community groups from the Twin Cities and Outstate Minnesota including, faith-based, peace and Palestinian rights organizations, and Jewish Voice for Peace, urge you to call your Minnesota State senator and Governor Dayton to oppose Minnesota State House File 400, which forbids the state to enter into contracts with vendors that boycott Israel.  (HF 400 passed the Minnesota House and is now in the Senate also identified as HF400.). The authors of this legislation have presented it as an anti-discrimination measure. However, only Israel is mentioned in this bill and therefore it threatens the right of Minnesotans to engage in boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) campaigns against the Israeli government for its human rights abuses and violations of international law. This bill is an attack on constitutionally protected Free Speech and an infringement on the right of Minnesotans to engage in acts of conscience in support of human rights and social justice.

Defend the Right to Protest:  Urge your Representative and Senator to Vote Against HF0390/HF1066/SF0676

This group of bills increases the crime of obstructing the highway from a misdemeanor to a gross misdemeanor and adds airports and transit to these increased penalties.  Blocking highways is a time-honored form of protest that led to the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This group of bills is clearly directed at the police accountability movement.

These bills are headed to the floor of the House (HF0390/HF1066) and Senate (SF0676) very soon.

ACTION NEEDED:  Contact your Representative and Senator and urge them to vote against the bills.  Contact Governor Dayton and urge him to veto the bills.  Dayton has said previously that he was inclined to sign them but has been backing away from this position recently.

Action alert issued by WAMM.