Friday, May 17, 2024
Activist BlogsEvents

Human Rights versus the U.S. IN-justice System

Mark International Human Rights day with a discussion of the criminalization of human rights work
and other activism. The community has rallied around the AWC as our members are investigated for
charges of “material support to terrorism.” These charges are an attempt to silence voices against US
policies of war and militarism, while also making it illegal to extend the hand of friendship to people in
countries of conflict.

This same strategy is evident in the recent conviction of two Somali women, for the crime of sending
$8600 in humanitarian aid to Somalia, where they are from. We also see it in the government’s
threats to bring charges against participants in last summer’s Gaza Flotilla, which was carrying letters
– messages of solidarity and friendship – to deliver to Palestinians living in Gaza.

Our discussion will include several other legal cases attacking human rights: The death penalty – Troy
Davis, and Mumia Abu Jamal (now incarcerated for 30 years); Private Bradley Manning – imprisoned
while awaiting charges related to the WikiLeaks release of classified documents exposing war crimes
in Iraq, among others. Come hear about the important work being done to fight these legal attacks on
our rights and our movements!

Children welcome. The library has a wonderful children’s book selection. Let us know if you would like
an AWC volunteer to accompany your child there while you enjoy the program. Lunch will be provided –
featuring soups home-made by our fantastic AWC chefs! Donations requested, no one turned away.

Organized by the Anti-War Committee | | 612-379-3899