Friday, May 3, 2024
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Let Kandahar Live! Stop the Escalation in Afghanistan!

Since last summer’s surge, there has been a dramatic increase in civilian casualties in the US war on Afghanistan. Despite the Obama administration rhetoric of concern for civilian casualties, US forces and drones have killed hundreds of civilians – including children this year. President Obama has announced an offensive on Kandahar this June. This attack will further devastate Afghanistan – a country already troubled with occupation, a refugee crisis, and extreme poverty. Kandahar, a city of half a million people, is about to become the latest victim of US warfare. Come stand with us to say NO to the bombing of Kandahar and to furthering the US war and occupation of Afghanistan. Tell Congress to stop funding the war and to bring the troops home now!

Organized by the Anti-War Committee (FFI: 612 379.3899,

Endorsed by the Women Against Military Madness & Welfare Rights Committee