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March on the DNC in July!

March 12, 2020

Dear friends of the Anti-War Committee,

Election years are an important time for our grassroots movements to assert that it’s we, not the politicians, who are the real driving force behind US politics. We are the ones who are in the streets fighting for our lives and the lives of our sisters and brothers across the world. While cable news is dominated by gossip about the latest celebrity-politicians in Washington, it’s only the mass movements — the anti-war movement, the movement for racial justice and immigrant rights, the workers’ movement, the environmental movement, the movement to free Palestine — who are capable of bringing real progress in the United States.

That’s why the Anti-War Committee helped organize protests at the Republican National Conventions in 2008, 2012 and 2016 and against the proposed location of Twin Cities for Democratic National Convention in 2012 (which eventually was held in Charlotte, NC). We showed up and showed the world that real resistance to the warmongers and the racists isn’t in convention halls and hotels — it’s in the streets.

On Monday, July 13, we’ll be protesting outside the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee. We still consider defeating Trump to be a top priority in November — but we think the Democratic Party needs to be held accountable, too. Especially if it wants to win!

We’re joining with the nationwide Coalition to March on the DNC to bring a broad people’s agenda to the party that claims to represent progress in the US. When all eyes are on the DNC, a powerful showing from the grassroots will help push the national political conversation in a better direction. This is especially important for the anti-war movement, which Democrats and Republicans alike have ignored for years.

We want you to join us. Whether that means getting on one of our buses to Milwaukee early in the morning on July 13, or simply endorsing the March on the DNC, we’d love to have your support. The more broad and diverse our coalition, the more powerful our message will be. We don’t endorse any individual politicians, but no matter who the nominee ends up being, we all know we’ll need to push them to the left on the issues daily organize around.

Email us at info@antiwarcommittee.org if you are interested in reserving a spot on the bus and/or if you would like your organization listed as an endorser to the protest.    We will provide more details soon but anticipate the cost for a seat on our bus will be between $50-100.


Wyatt Miller for the Anti-War Committee