Wednesday, May 1, 2024
International SolidarityIranTake Action!

No War With Iran!

No War With Iran!

December 2020

A war crisis has developed, initiated by the dead enders of the Trump Administration, between the U.S. and Iran. Anyone with a shred of humanity must speak out against the danger of a new U.S. war, this new war threat against Iran threatens millions of lives. 

Recently Trump asked for possible war plans against Iran.

On Friday, November 27, Iran’s top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, was assassinated in the Iranian city of Absard outside of Tehran.

By all indications the U.S. has pushed very close to war on Iran.

The Trump Administration, having been defeated in the November elections, has no right to initiate a new war.

Trump could easily present the Biden Administration with a new war on its first day in office. Trump seems to want to lock in hostility between the U.S. and Iran.

Yet, are there calls from the Biden transition office against the war threats? We have not heard any.

It is up to the people to speak out, to say no to new wars.

Even as Trump tries to ignite a new war, his administration has made calls for withdrawing U.S. troops from Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria. But, who has been in power for the past four years? If Trump wanted an end to the wars he could have ended them long ago.

Instead, the Pentagon has actually escalated the level of bombings and drone strikes around the world.

Join us at the Anti-War Committee’s Human Rights Day protest on December 12th to say NO to a war on Iran!