Wednesday, May 1, 2024
EventsFeaturedHands Off Anti-War ActivistsInternational SolidarityPalestine

Rock for Rasmea, Rally against the Injustice System

A benefit show raising awareness for Rasmea Odeh and all political prisoners.

Join us for “Rock for Rasmea,” an inspiring multimedia arts event raising awareness about Palestinian-American community leader Rasmea Odeh’s case in connection to broader political repression. Aiming to engage youth and raise awareness about Rasmea Odeh and all US political prisoners, the evening will feature:

· Remarks by Rasmea Odeh, herself!
· Short films curated by Mizna
· Spoken word curated by local artist Sarah Thamer
· Sets by local Twin Cities musicians
· Live auction of local and Palestinian art, gift certificates to restaurants and cafes, film and theater tickets, and more!

Rasmea Odeh is a Palestinian-American feminist, activist, educator and community leader. She’s being criminalized for her movement-building as part of an ongoing witch-hunt that targets Arabs, particularly Palestinians, and all oppressed people who actively oppose US militarism and racism. The US government has sought to squash movements for justice and liberation, especially those fought by indigenous peoples and people of color. As a Palestinian woman who already spent 10 years behind bars from a corrupt conviction based on a tortured confession, we must demand she not be caged again. Please join us to raise awareness and funds for her legal team as they appeal a November conviction that could see her imprisoned for years in the US, and deported.

This event is made possible thanks to Intermedia Arts’ VERVE Grants for Spoken Word poets and 2012 grant winner Misty Rowan. Endorsed by Committee to Stop FBI Repression, US Palestinian Community Network- MN Chapter, Minnesota Peace Action Coalition, Middle East Peace Now and Veterans for Peace- Chapter 27. Please see more information at our event website here and our facebook event here.