Tuesday, May 21, 2024

RT | Libyans are expendables on oil-rich battlefield

Political analysts say that protecting civilians in Libya is actually the allied coalition’s secondary priority. The primary one is eliminating the country’s defenses and gaining control over Libya’s oil-rich regions through civil war between tribes.

The death toll is said to have reached 67, according to Libyan health officials.

‘Civilian deaths are inevitable’ – ex-ambassador

It was obvious from the moment US Defense Secretary Robert Gates started talking about a no-flight zone over Libya some weeks ago that it would involve eliminating all anti-aircraft defenses threatening patrolling fighter jets, argues former British ambassador to Libya Oliver Miles.

And that, Miles continued, “is going to involve a lot of intrusive military activity and inevitably civilian casualties.”

Killing civilians goes against the mandate of United Nations Security Council resolution 1973 – to protect civilians – he added. And while there is no doubt the allied forces will be successful in establishing a no-flight zone, Miles concluded, the question is how they will use their supremacy.

continue reading Libyans are expendables on oil-rich battlefield