Thursday, May 2, 2024
International Solidarity

Solidarity with the African People’s Socialist Party

Adopted by the Anti-War Committee on April 26, 2023

The Anti-War Committee stands in solidarity with the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP), whose leaders were recently indicted for promoting anti-imperialism and opposing the US proxy war in Ukraine. We at the Anti-War Committee recognize that the FBI’s attacks on the APSP are not an isolated incident but part of a broader effort to silence voices critical of US imperialist violence and white supremacy.

The recent indictment of the APSP leadership is a continuation of the legacy of the FBI’s racist repression, echoing the COINTELPRO program and the McCarthy-era Red Scare, as well as the FBI raids on the Antiwar 23 in 2010, which targeted members of our committee. In particular, the use of federal grand juries is a well-established tool of political repression. The grand jury’s charges against the APSP members include nebulous accusations like seeking to “sow discord” and “spread pro-Russia propaganda.”

As the US government seeks to recreate the conditions of the Cold War abroad by aggressively escalating conflicts with Russia and China, it is simultaneously increasing its repression and censorship domestically by attacking those who dare to speak out against the violence of US imperialism. We demand that the federal government drop all charges against the members of the APSP, end all US involvement in the war in Ukraine, and cease the repression of anti-war activists.